I decided to quit the Gang :D
For my own goodybabehs(!)
It ain't easy for me to make this decision -
we've been bestofFRIENDS for months.
Couldn't believe that all these could end too soon,
mainly because it's too much for me.
First joyce&& lirong.
Then me& raf in a spot.
Right after that Joyce&& me&raf
Then Eugene& us.
Damn - these probs just couldn't get outa my head
Maybe truefriends don't really exist.
Hey they do(!)
Me& rafi.
Both of us only fought like once in awhile
Gosh -
i didn't realised that man.
So many grudges
so many hatred but we didn't
managed to think about us yeps?
Sighs ==" Pissed.
Oh yaaa.
I'm going to post pics(!)
Doink - so lame.
Who caaaaares? bleh, i don't giva daaaamn :[]
Started ramaging through dad's
drawers&& found this
hehehe, though
i'm only going to use it for
my photography skills
which, in my opinion,
is getting bettah&bettah&bettah like
hehehe - verlynn also like uber
goody in her
modelling skills.
Nice right?
Uber(!) :X
gadeedadeedeys :]
Asked sis to do some singing post
while i play with
'shadows' .
Okay, it might not be perfect
but i guess it is good for a
beginner like me
(!) Gahs, i'm jealous
of photographers.
practice makes perfect (:
Kaaays :D
That's all yeps.
Gonna start replying your tags :]
Thankyous uber much for all the
concerning&& advices&
those cheerup-butt messages.
They all really helped {:
Syalvoe{: Thankyouus uber much for the like wonderful advices& those sweet post that you dedicated to me with butt as my name there :] Gosh - you're sooo sweet!
ilvoeyooooous :O
Verlvoe{: kisses from you are always meant for me ryts? LOL, thanks for those cheerup messages, it really made me think how lucky i am to have a friend like you(!) you made me pull through BABEEEHS :[] we're the damn retards(!) muacks.
Raflvoe{: checked :X
Carmen{: LOLS, thanks for the tag!
Sandralvoes{: sureeeys, no probs yeps!
RawringTigress {: err, nbm lah. Must learn to let bygones be bygones ...
Anqi {: hohohos , thanks for your cheerup-butt messages. aligatoh&& thanks for stopping by my ladeeday blog yeps? muacks.
To err is human
to forgive, Divine :]