Thursday, November 29, 2007 - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Today's my bro's birthday.Me & my mum made PIZZA! It sounds interesting, i know. But the dougn to make the pizza is like so hard that it broke some of my mum knuckles.OUCH!. So currently nothing to post. So bored. I can't deny it. The smell of the yeast to make the pizza rise is like chickyduck's poo. EEEEWWWW!!!!! Yucks man! So you want to know what i give to my bro today? Just an e-card. HAHA! Simple as that. I can't afford anything because i got not enough money. TOO BAD! But my parents bought him a water bottle;billabong, which matches with his pencil box. Well, my fav' brand is: OP,Lulu belle etc.I don't really like billabong. my ratings for it...hmmm, maybe 7/10. Ok right. SO-SO. I can't wait to read joyce's post. She keeps asking me to read and tag it. Must be something interesting. Well, got to go.... :) BUAIIZ =)

P.S: Have a pleasant day Saiful!

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