Friday, May 16, 2008

There are loads of probs all around me and i really really don't feel like talking about it. What's the entity, you guys might ask. Well, the entity is basically one word; Sensitivity. I really don't feel like talking about it, maybe it's because of pubity. You know... kids at my age probably would go through some changes but.... why must she be the one. Going through it, NOW.

[p/s] I'm sorry i'm saying this but i don't quite like it if all of us always fight. We're the gang. We shouldn't fight like a lot. Not only that, we always gossip about each other. I don't like it. And, sometimes you tend to always complain to the one closest to me. I don't get it. You said you don't like me _____ but ... you also did the same. And that's what all of us in the group hates about you. Only that.

Actually we all don't dare to tell you because we are rather scared that we'd hurt your feelings but.... i know that you suggested _______. I really don't want to fight. I want this stupid/crazy/idiotic to stop right here,right now.

Okaaay, basically... BEE&ME are friends again, in fact BESTIES. Last night we were just chatting boringly but then i realsied that both of us have ALOAAAD to say. We gossipgossip-chatterchatter-LOLLOLLOL. Blah-ed unti 11.00++ . WAAKAAAKAAS. we were finding each other our own husbands. LOOOOL, bu i said hers is weichen then she said mine is OWEN. SHEEEESH, alaaarhs, i want SIMBAAAAA(:

[p/s] Simba Oooh ooooh(: Eugene knows the tempo/rhythm

can't wait for 1.45. Cos' i'll be going out of my house and to PARTEEEEY at fajar's. I heard from her that her mum's cooked loads of delicious food. Including chicken pie. You guys are sooo going to miss it if you can't go(: Btw, she's my cousin. We call ourselves 'e Chocolats Cuzins! WOWWOWWIIIES. I'm also superdyduper excited to watch HANNAH MONTANA. ParteyParteyyParteyyyy(: kakakaka BOOOOMS. woots.


I love lirong/joyce/rafidah/wanyuan/heidi/eugene/weichen(:


I love lirong/joyce/rafidah/wanyuan/heidi/eugene/weichen(:

I love lirong/joyce/rafidah/wanyuan/heidi/eugene/weichen(:

I love lirong/joyce/rafidah/wanyuan/heidi/eugene/weichen(:

I love lirong/joyce/rafidah/wanyuan/heidi/eugene/weichen(:

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