Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Mind you, not only muslim peeps can celebrate it, you can too :} hahaha.
You say i everyday blog? Ahemmmzx, i just finished doing english revision. My english is perfect but the comprehension killed me, i got 12 upon 20. if i get 18 nevermind - i got a freaking sickening 12 -.- i'm so deadddddd.
Today is going to be one hyperr day for me, charged camera mannnzx - i wanna snapsnapsnap, cam-whore & yadadeeeees. LOLS, just went to the mats/minahs blog aka paikia/ahlian blog. Malay ones, they are soooooo freaking funny. They make me laugh. I'm self-entertaining mind you! I read the way they typed out all the words. Their language are like soooo.... rough. With the siols & short forms & all. Telling you - these are ahlian/paikia/mat/minah's language. But still, it's their way of life, hence have to accept them in this world huh?
Tags to be replied now, stay tunnnned
sandraaa♡: Hey senioooor, i didn't expect you to tag me. So thoughtful of you :) That's why i love yooooooooou. Hahaha.
shi.tza: LOLS, please. I'm not like you. Asek terkenangkan si weiyuuuuuuuun :]
Ziwei: Errrr, i abit lazayyyyyezx. PSPS. Don't worry. Will tagtag you for sure.
Okays, it's done. Lawlllls, i'm like freaking lame. Ouchhhhhh - my index finger hurts. Got skin come out. -.- Dammmmmn. LOOOOL, yesterday owen said damn you to mr.k, leongkeng go complain he kana scolded ! :O Pfffft, alot people almost wan laugh mannnzx. Mr. V complained about us playing with erasers, i only throwed once. Then he? Talk until so loud don't know, lucky we never complain . He think he so big? Like puuuuui.
I miss you(Lirong/Laogongzx& co. & FMR)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Just because you're reading my wonderful blog & reading all my post doesn't mean i have to change my blog to a private. even if i do not want to let you read it, well it's a free world. A very very freefreefree world :D Hehhhhhhhs. Since you're trying to frame me, what's there to talk about. For once, i was thinking about forgiving you. Anqi told me everything you said about me -.- Now, i've changed my mind. I can't be bothered by your attitude. Since you've resort to framing me then i shall asked you. What's the vulgaritiesssssss that i have said to you. If you read our chatlog again, it's only bodoh/stupid. If you're telling me that the word stupid is a vulgarity, read your dictionary.
Atleast i don't go spreading around to people who are not close to me about our fight. & if you want to tell mr.k, go ahead. Cos i've got my reasons. I hope you shall consider this. I do not want to fight, but if you still do not want to cooperate then, too bad for you. You'll have two choices,
one. Forgive forget & stop gossipping about me.
two. Continue with the fight.
Seriously, i just can't be bothered with your attitude.
Because tonight will be the night
that i will fall for you
over again
don't make me change my mind,
Lirong laogong& co. & ______
I love you guyssssss :)
LOLS, byebye. Not bothered to post anymore. Maybe want go study, i love you
Friday, September 26, 2008
Seee, i so guai help you promoote. Lawllls - Archie comics to be sold - Single digest, two dollars. Double digest, three dollars. Cheeaps? Yups, err wanyuan - maybe aft. PSLE i want to buy the double digest one :) The sweet valley book I have more than 20 canzx -.- & i still haven't finish reading 'em yet so yea, aft. finish reading maybe can sell to you for your blog shop la :B
Stupid -.- at heidi blog got another calefare want tag & act big :x as if he's so big huh? DRAG OUR PARENTS IN SOMEMORE. Atleast we not in isolation & our grades are better than you :) That's how our parents brought us up, even if we paikia - we smaaaart paikia. Any probs. He so jealous of us still don't want to admit. Wooo~ Lonerrrr. Only know how to flame people in blogs la :] You know, i've got 2 words for you, you suck.
Ytd at gran's was spring cleaaaaning time. Then earn 10 bucks yeahs :} still, i got my legs itchy & dirty. Yucks, Blech. Hahaha . Siannnnzx, i feel like blogging all of a sudden. After i prayed, can't sleep. Thought about playing computerrrrrr -.- not play, blog. Guess blogging is part of my life manzx, it leaves such a big impact on me if i never blog for a day :D Do you realise that during the school holiday, i've been blogging each day. Well, most of them. It's like non-stop, surely got something to update about. LOLS, i'm self-praising.
It's 7.58 in the morning & later need to finish science worksheet & study for PSLE. Boooredooomzx, still - it's for my future. 10 oct. outing with best & co. Ohyeps. Meet at interchange by 3 ocloooocks okays? LAWLS, can't believe i'm actually thinking about this. My gawsh, PSLE in 5 days time -.- sianzx, first at whiteboard put 100 plus days, now is left to 5 freaaaking days, scared i'm not prepared.
Guys, i'm going to MIA for one week, since it's PSLE week for the next 2weeks henceeee, it's goodbyes - but only for now :) LOOOOLS, see ya' next time, tags will be entertained nextnext week okay baby.
I miss Laogongzx :D Can't wait to talk to her about me & C's conversatiooooonzx !
Tags replies,
Verlynn: Yups, looks whose the B.
ANCHEEE♥: Hahaha, sure laoshi. I'm going to miss those lessons for now maaaaanzx :D IMY.
Ziwei: Yea sure, thanks for the tag. Will tag you back oneeeee :]
Credits are : Carmen & me. The other girl is calefare :]
Me: let me get things clear, i don't wanna fite with you but stop accusing me la. I didn't accuse you anything you say i lead lirong estray?
Me: I don't okays.
Me: -.- if you want talk crap & accuse me, do it for all i care.
Me: At least hor, i better than you.
C: well its my opinion
Me: well, it is my opinion too.
C: it may be wrong and it may be right
Me: it may be wrong and it may be right that many ppl thinks you're a flirt,
C: if its wrong den i say sorry
C: Haha
Me: Not me hor
C: Very funny.
Me: Ofcourse funny, now then you realise hor.
Me: You slow reaction hor :]
C: Thank you
Me: You're so welcome.
Me: Firstly, atleast i don't teach LR to flirt like you,
Me: Secondly, i respect wtv people's desicions.
Me: Woooo~ I lead LR estray. Jealous.
Me: Crap Talk.
C: Ha Ha Ha
Me: Laughs
C: You think i insult you.
C: You also wad
Me: Who started insulting
C: You
Me: Did i say you insult me? DID I? Is you say you insult me. LOLS.
Me: -.- who started saying I lead LR estray.
C: You say i so noisy yet i still go shhhh ppl
C: Isn't it hah???? =="
Me: Oh yeaaaa.... But before that, it's you.
Me: Wooo~ Really what.
C: ni bie duo guan sian shi la si nu ren(don't know wtv crap clara wrote)
- Carmen added to conversation -
Me: Why speak in chinese, scared i understand huh?
C: So you invite carmen to see la, whatever.
carmen: LOLzx, cannot? :x
Me: Now then you know, you wan KPO invite people right?
Carmen: hahahas
Me: KPOOOOOOS, if you never invite, you not KPO lor.
Carmen: Hahs.
C: Ha Ha Ha
C: Why should i invite?
Me: dunno, cos you KPO.
C: if u mean by asking ppl to see this dumb and stupid conversation is kpo, den you are one KPO too.
Carmen: lmao.
Carmen: is i want to see want. Cannot?
Me: Nope, i mean you copying me to invite people la.
Carmen: :D Yea lorh
me: Use common sense la, ohoh. I forgot, you don't have common sense.
Me: Anyhow accuse RYT? Scold la, as if i never scold people before
Me: I only confront you to tell, then you start. Wooo~
Me: Only people like you would resort to scolding,
me: My mouth, i don't want to shutup. How.
Me: bodoh.
Carmen: hahahas
Me: I know you very old, no nid to tell me.
Carmen: :S hah.
Me: Now then you know you are a 38
Me: ???? Spell wrong.
Carmen: :x
Carmen: Oh, so you admit you are old.
me: really ah? No la, we same age. Just that you look older.
carmen: Yeah
Carmen: lmao. don't drag clarence in
Me: Cos i don't care.
Me: Ya lorh, only know how to tell, complain, invite.
C: No use talking to a childish idiot.
Me: I childish idiot?
C: I'm referring to you know who.
- Clara left the conversation -
yea baby. I don't give a dammmmnzx. Okays - need to pray soon. I haven't even bath puh-leeeease :] LOLS. Thank you carmen best. You rock my sooooockeeeeys. LOLS, going to gran's house for spring cleannnnning. PSLE is coming like ohmygawwwwsh :O
help me, watching mad TV :D Porn star registratioooonzx :]
Tags reply,
shi.tza: LOLS.
Rawr.ing"tigress(♥): -.- lamezx la you.
Verlynn: KAKAKAKA, i love you too.
BEGONIA: YUPS, you wan seduce my didi.
♥ ; Carmen: HELLO carmmmmmenzx <3
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Is not i want to use this skin -.- is the stupid wtv. what corrupted folder & i simply can't download skins ! My gosh, i just found the perfect skin & wthells. Can't download. It goes for all the freaking wonderful skins la _l_ Fish. Gooooosh, what a day! Please stupid corrupted folder, please be okay after PSLE. I want change blogskin -.- once again, sorry wanyuan & to those who feel offended with me using this blogskin.
After school, went to library side & lepaklepak awhile yea. Waited for Mrs.Lee for 25 mins -.- & still, she hasn't arrive. LOLS, went down to sit in the sun(Begonia's stupid idea) only to get our butts barbeque-ed. The played truth or dare, begonia turn. Begonia paiseh(she chose dare) cos we told her to pat weichen & run back. Hahahah. He at basketball court, so close la alamakkkzx. Still, she so scared. We pull weichen, chase him here, chase him there. Run like chaotic monkeeeeeeeeeeey. Finally, he don't want. Can't force my didi right? Cos he don't wan be seduced by begonia la. He guai - kia.
Then Mrs. Lee came at 2. Lucky no clara & weixin, they library duty. What a joy! :] Clara said that i led lirong estray so she's putting all the freaking blame to me, ohohoh. As if. I'm not afraid of you - Lirong chose me to be her haopengyou, JEALOUS huh? I have every right to lead her estray la, even if i want to. You? LOLS, say byebye. Woaaaaah, she want to break me & laogong friendship? Not so fast - laogong will always side me :)
Thought of going home with LR but she following begonia & co. to sweet talk so, yeps. No choice - went home with joyce who got stepped on the wound three times but three diff. people - now that was simply hilarious. Still, i braved myself to put the plaster on your wound you know, :B Then walkwalkwalk, talktalktalk. Then jasmine say my boobs are big & so out of 'anger' i hit her 2 _____. Yups. Private. Hit one of them only. Then she chase me & roar here, roar there. LOLS. Super funny la. Had a greeeeeeeat day with ya'll pleaaase :] I love you guys so muchhhhy.
Okayyys, gotta run now - please don't miss me yea :P TATATATATATA.
Quick replies,
Ziwei: Hahaha. TYTY - i lazy link ah :)
Syafiqah: LOLS, i more worst okay. PSLE on third day raya. I self-pity.
zaini: TYzxzx
Verlynn: Uhuhs - uhuhs. I suck your _____. Your milk kill alot baby leh, blech! :)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Super sorry wanyuaaaaaaanzx. I thought i put your name alr! No wonder you put -.- face. Oh-oh! I'm super sorry. I thought wrote it alr. No wonder feel like something missing. Okayyyzx. To compensate, i'll write all about you :]
Heng Wan Yuan/ Verlynn: 5& a half years means alot to me. I'm sorry if i've hurt your feelings yea. Trust me, i love you more than anyone cos' we've been together for so long. I feel like we are sisters. I really do believe in BFF. Our friendship really lasted forever! Like, wow. Wanyuan, hmmm. Cute & sweet. Chio & hot. Stupitt & smart. The kind of chick i love. Hilarious & not. I love her babyyy. Although there are ups & downs, we still managed to pull through! I love her lottttttts :]
Yeaaaaaaaah. Wrote all that from the bottom of my heart. Please don't get upsettt. You know i'm the blur & forgetful type. Basically, i thought i've put your name. Well, if you're still angry then super sorryyyyzx. :) Hope these would cheer you up abit. You know you're my lesbeee. Forever will.
Haha, SORRY. Okayzx. Now. Start with the post! Wooo~ Last minute homework blablabla. Wells, did crap & Shit i guess. LOLS. Hohohos. Left
English compo (stretch) -.-
Math Worksheet 8 -.-
Science Booklet A & B -.-
English Comprehensioooon -.-
Yups. All of 'em suck. As you can see, i hate homeworks. Oh-oh, please don't miss me cos for the next two week i'll not be posting yupyups. Due to PSLE & all, religious class exam! Ugh , frust! Don't worryyyyyzx, 2 weeks is fast. Woooooah. Okays, back to partyyy mode.
The party will start at 2.30 PM on the 10 of oct. @ the warren condo. 'Participants' will have to meet at the phone booths found at the interchange :) Be there or bewarrrre. Let me repeat like, AGAIN.
The party will start at 2.30 PM on the 10 of oct. @ the warren condo. 'Participants' will have to meet at the phone booths found at the interchange :) Be there or bewarrrre.
LOLS, okaaaayzx. 2.30 PM. Hmms, i think i can't go back home cos from school to home, i'll take like about 30 mins. Then needa bath & blablabla. RUSH! I hate being rush. So guess have to go either joyce or LR's house to change & start everything before VIPS arrive. Yea, VIPS are people who are inviteeeeedzx! Yeaaaaaah.
Okays, just now religious class oral & I spout something totally wrong. TOTALLY. Confusion la. Suddenly mind went blaaaank. Forgot the prayerrrrr. Manzx , Ima going to get lowlowlow marks. Don't think will get first like last semester. Wooo~
Okayyyyzx. Gotta runnnnn (: Don't miss me till 2 weeks time.
Verlynn: Sorry baby. You know you're my lesbeee hunzx.
Wei Lin: Hey yoooou :D TYTY. You TC tooos.
Friday, September 19, 2008
hey, it's funny to me!
Lirong called me Batrisyia Iman in a fast language& it sounded like BASHAMAN.
I only realised this when batrisyia. Suhardi was like
'' eh, bashaman. Lirong call you. Bashaman!''
Seriously, the name's like an indian bollywood acter. Banggala rules (:
Since got nothing better to do, list out all haopengyou names bah.
Anqi, Vulgar Laoshi
Batrisyia.S, Viknesh-Insulter
Begonia, Viknesh - imitater/boxerpartner
Carmen, love
Eugene, Pig
Fajarina, Gay
Farith, Adek(didi)
Haikal, Gangmember
Heidi, Paopao
Joyce, pengyous
Lirong, Laogong
Rafidah, teman/berok
Weichen, best-didi
Yongsheng, didi
There you have it. All my dudes& dudettes. Love 'em all super muchhhhhy. Cos they make my day! (: Ni men shi zhui hao de.
Ziwei: LOLS, tyty :O errr, cos LR don't like him & it's held at her place. So, yea! :)
Beroks???: LOLS, me too. I also must see first.
Xueling: Yea, sureeee. Will check out for you. Oh-oh! Thanks for the tag.
Beroks???: Suresure.
Verlynn: Hello wello piglet ! Heidi got big nipples eh?
ANCHEEEEE♥: Vulgar teacheeeeeer, LOLS. Yea, party! Errr, time. Not confirm. Date, 10 Oct. Which is on friday. Aft. HMT exam de next day ! :)
BEGONIA: LOLS, that's why you sponsoring mah, JKJK
Heyheyhey, that's all (: About the party thing, meet me in school for more infos.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Basically, school was great. Everyday in school, i've realised who my goodfriends are& who's not. I'll mention 'em all. Lirong WanYuan Heidi Begonia & Anqi. Thank you for being there for me always okay. I super appreciate your kindness & love that you showered me everyday. As for Joyce Rafidah& Eugene. Let's just say i love you guys too for making my day. LOLS. So, i love school & i love my pengyous. Thankyou thankyou thankyou for making my day. Today, wasn't such a bad day after all. Met lirong laogong & chatted. Begonia goh wei lyn, i guess you're currently my BOXERPARTNERRRRR. Cos we seem to be boxing each other most of the time. Dingdingding. New name for my special someone :) Anqi is my Vulgar Teacher please. The rest all same. Discussed with lirong about the P6 party which is going to be held in Warren Condo. Cool huh? Guess whatttt. I'm one of the organisers.
Oh yea. I'm going to list out those who are invited. Sorry for those who aren't invited! I'll try ask lirong if there's space for you yea :]
Me :B(Sponsor/Organiser)
LOLS, it is on the 10th of Oct. The timing not confirm but anything just call me or LR :) Email me to ask for phone if don't know :[] (wanyuan's idea!) Currently chatting with a piggy named hengwanyuan. Manzx i'm so bored. OKays, now to reply tags ! Wow, didn't know i'm so famous eh?
Sya: HelloWello, ya. Me too! But actually, i don't want to rayaaaaa. Cos PSLE on third day of it. Like wthhhhh. Takottttt -.- sorry for my crappings cos it's only meant for who i love. It's YOU!
Verlynn: Now then you know you're lame huhs?
♥ ; Carmen: Yups, i want be ahlian :O
ZIYUN^^: Hahas, thanks ZY :) About that. What's your link again?
ANCHEEEEE♥: Hahaha, yea. V. Lessons are fun. PUSSYTAT. LOLS, it's super funny la. Cos i love you manzx.
Humairah: Heys, sorry eh. Malas nak link. Nbm la. I click here, click there. OK alr ! :)
Wei Lin: Yohyohyoh. LOLS, sure. trisyiaflora@hotmail.com ! Lame? Cos i created it since P1 & don't want to change it.
Rawr.ing"tigress(♥): HAHAHA. Glad to see you smiling w/o a fever yea :P
ANCHEEEEE♥: Me too me too me toooooo! My turn. I'll say it out loud please. It's VULGAR TIME.
Sighs, i'm kinda sad for Fajar Gay. Cos she get scolded from Mrs.R & That's the worse thing one could ever get, I feel sad when she cried during MT lesson. Heys, atleast i managed to cheer her up abit with afew jokes of my own yea. CHEERUP GAY. You'll be fine soon.
Okays then, gotta run ! Sayonaraaaaaaaaaaa, bat-z.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Alrightyyyy, now i want to reply tags.
BEGONIA: TYTYTY, piggy girl! Glad to hear that you& verver kaykay alr.
Wei Lin: Ofcourse, ofcourse. LOLS, will tag you back too - that is. If i can remember :D
♥ ; Carmen: CARMEEEEEEEEEEN. Wo ai ni yeas :) LOLS, good to know that you've loved me back. That makes me love you more! Wooo~
Done tagging humans. Sayonaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Carcar, PaoPao& Verver: You guys are wrong to have let her wait for you for 30 mins. It's normal for someone to get angry over that, & also. I think that if you guys treat each others like haopengyous, i bet there'll be abit of trust right? Just tell her who you're meeting hence it really doesn' matter what the outcome will be like, atleast you're telling the truth yea :) LOLS. Jiayous.
Begonia: Heys, chill-chill yea. To err is human, to forgive divine. Take this to 'guide' you.
There, i'm done. Hopefully we'll all go back as Baba Beebee Carcar Paopao& Verver :D i'm one of the hopefuls. Sigh, probs are everywhere i guess ! Yea, nth else to post about except that later going to Gran's place. Paternal side. Ohyea, maybe meeting cousins, maybe! Woo~ Ima replying tags okays.
VERLYNN: ofcourse i look cute, now then you know!
Berok berbulu: Yea, you were. But maybe moodswings. Biler nak bawak phone pi sch? Takot kana confiscate.
WAIYEE: nahs, idk. But just helping yous la. Cos that coward really too much alr.
~~bLuR_gUrL~~: She very extra nia? Lols, heys. Ima going to tell her how i feel yo' :) maybe calling bee along. Maybe so.
Verlynn: LOLS, ofcourse. You make me cheerups alr. that's why woaini :) errrr, about that. It's wo de papa :X Please don't ask me what happened.
Okays. Finally finish replying tags yo' . Don't miss me cos i gotta run :) tata.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Xueling: yays! You tagged me like super finally. ILY tooooos :)
ANCHEEEEE♥ : Ofcourse we cute, cos' i'm the cutest! Lols, yeayeayea - wo ai ni toos. But i 'love' sean :}
Rawr.ing"tigress(♥) : HawwwHawww, you call fajar bitch :) Change it to pig. She is one you knows.
♥ ; Carmen : Yo babe :D Thanks for letting me tell you my sorrows about her yeps, you super pretty& sexayye la.
P/S: Speaking of sean, i started playing this 'flirting' game with mr. BIGFAT HIPPO sean. Oh yea, was like 'flirting' with him. blinkblink eye lashes la, wave at him, bid him goodbye kiss! But alleast i told him i don't mean it right? & Mr. T-Vik sucks big time. Still want say all thy best to me? Fat hope. I show loser sign! Hey, it's what fajar did to joyce :D okokays, i'm side-tracking -.- bye humans, please miss me. Especially, Begonia Carmen Heidi WanYuan& Anqi <333
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Heyheyheys, firstly i wanna super thank Mr. Eugene Kuek for sending me those songs :D super thanks yea :) I owe it to you but i won't repay you. Ohoh, you never remind me to give you money woo. No remind, no money. Blehhs :] Stupid la. The this is me song from camp rock rocks but the singer. -.- the moves too many already canzxs& her mouth open too big already. Loser, seriously. & like eugene said. Camp rock is taking over HSM :) i think it's a good thing! I don't like HSM -.- sucks. Sometimes no understanding. But idk why but err, i wanna watch the senior year of HSM after PSLE with pengyous. Oh yeas - sian manzx. Nth to talk about, no picture, no nothing just a piece of blank black paper. Suckzx :] Okays, i wanna run to newyork. Lols. Replying tags.
Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm super freaked out right now :] LOLS. Cos carmen& i are finally back. When i say finally, i mean FINALLY-BABY! Was totally cool yea. So, yups. Just to let you all know, i love her to the cores& bits of the earth& that she's irreplacebly mine. She's impossible to find okehs. LoveYou Carmen !
That's all folks. Gotta run. I super miss WanYuan/Verlynn Heidi Begonia Lirong& Carmen.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Oh yes ! I super need your photos. All my loved ones yea :] Lemme list it all out. These pics are just random to test it out yo' :) Individual photos puhleaaaase :] Listing out in progress ...
Heidi WanYuan Begonia(no need, have already:]) Anqi Eugene Carmen Syafiqah Fajarina(nvm, got already) & Lirong.
I love those humans above. It's obvious right? That's exactly the reason why i want their pictures. Love them so much, treat them nicely puhlease :]
ROFLMAO, kays. I look desperate yea :) Let's start with my day yo' & so i was in thy first session of math remedial with mr.k & bee was late -.- smile. It's okay la. I totally understood your explanation :} budden because of her lateness we had to take bus to school. Had fun talking to her& laughing with her yeaps :D Was super happy& high today. Cos' Bee& lirong were okay :O & me& wanyuan were too. So, we're super click fives now yea? lols. Was super happy that all of us could patch up at the same day yea, coolness! Was totally hyper while talking about disgusting things with heidi& wanyuan. Heidi's pao is bbq-ed yo' :] Super hyper canzxs. I love them to the bits of thy earth :) & i super-credit HENGWANYUAN/ VERLYNN for those pictures :) superb. I lvoe them& its all thanks to you.
Having cold. Runny nose& also abit of a sore throat :( Sad huh? Wells, I guess that'll end of my day :] & people. I've finally shit out a rock from my anus !
If it's affinity that we met, why don't we treasure this friendship? I'm super happy with you all because you're the reason why i'm shining happily right here, right now. No more sadness& tears in our lives kays? Let's treasure this. Stand strong together as click fives.
Carmen, i've been loving you to the bits& the core of the earth. Yes, it is afinity that we met but why stop our friendship halfway because of this copycat thing? Well, if you choose to do so, then i have no choice. But i wanna tell you that i sincerely love you :D
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

oh yea, i totally forgotten about the quiz begonia sabo-ed me to do :] hehe. That is until i go to eugene's blog yeah ! Will be doing it bahs. To kill time.
1. Black or White: Black
Saying F word during this month -.-