Monday, November 3, 2008

Ola, changed blogskin & URL.
Blogskin : It's been a month using that same old blogskin hence i've finally decided to change it
URL: Wanyuan find it boring, hence i changed. See, i'm so kind :)

Just now in school, had some pupils from BBSS that were promoting their sch. Malay boy uberly cute :) yeah, alot people agreed mannnzx. The talk was okay, i must say. I liked the humourous parts, lawls.

Did some spring cleaning which i think sucked :( then went down to basketball court to play ice man. Perspired alot man. Then jonas didi blanja-ed me milo. Hahaha, tytytyvm. Xueling don't jealous :) He's just my didi mannnnzx.

Nth. much today, it's just so normal. Sch was typically boring. This isn't what i expected as life after PSLE. Sucked man. What the. Chop go bully my mei -.- He's going to get it from both me & mei. Hahaha, :)

Okay then, i gottogo. Hopefully dad allows me to go party. But ofcourse i must study first for religious class exam, Batrisyia jiayou ! Haha, replying tagggs.

:DJOYCEHHHH.: uhuhs -.- You spammed me alr okayzx :)
(♥)我是WEILIN: Linked up alr, haha. Ofcourse i'm happy !
da.BOASTER-:P: Aloha.
BEGONIA: yohhhhzx.
~~bLuR_gUrL~~: No probbbbb!
angang: Samesameeeee.
Verlynn: Tyvm. Tmr you die alr la :) You tmr going get tickles from me :x

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