Name: Batrisyia Iman Bte Jumari.
Nicknames: Butt?
Name spelled backwards: namI aiysirtaB(omg)
Birthday: Seventeen March nineteen ninety six.
Glass or Contacts: None.
Hair Colour: Dark brown.
Length: Shoulder length.
Hair style: Erm, idk?
Brand name for clothes: Giordano
Brand Name for shoes: Erm, idk?
Candy: Gummy bears & choco.
Colour: hot pink, red, black & white.
Drinks: Chrysenthemum tea(isit how it's being spelled?)
Fast Food place: Macdonalds.
Food: Fried rice(shiok).
Cream: Icing cream.
Subject in School: English & probably maths(weirdly)
Cookie: Famous
Of all your friends.
The Best Advisor: Wanyuan :x
The Best Hairstyle: Lirong
The Best Handwriting: Anqi
The Dirtiest: None?
The Funniest: Alot manz.
The most trusting: A handful bunch of ladies & probably a gentleman.
Have you ever.
Been on stage: Uhuh.
Gone to camp: Uhuh.
Kept a secret from everyone: Uhuh.
Cheated in a test: Uhuh.
Stolen anything: i think yes, drawing block -.-
The last.
Movie you watched:Eagle eye, if i'm not wrong.
Person who called you: Mummy.
Person who saw you cry: Dad.
Person you went to the mall with: Erm, sisters!
Thing you ate: Overcooked maggie noodles :x
Thing you drink: Plain water.
If you could describe yourself in three words: Hilarious, funny & probably a tinny bitty witty itty horny.
Some of your fave junk food: Fishball crackers, or fish crackers, to be exact.
Colour of your walls: Erm, purplish pink? Pinkish purple?
What is your fave thing to do in the weekend: COMPING(!)
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