Sunday, October 7, 2007

I'm going to give Eugene a present for his birthday. I'll give it to him tomorrow because i can't give it to him on his birtday as it's a public holiday. Well not really actually. It's the PSLE marking day. So can't meet my cute little pet. Teehee. Well, I was chatting with Raf and Joyce and all they're talking about was FLOORBALL. Look. They really left me out. Augh. It simply a total bad thing to do that. But joyce apologise .. i think but i really don't blame them. Really! It's not their fault that they want to talk about their CCA but it's really not nice. Like when you speak chinese in front of a malay person and you just go on and that malay person just don't understand what they are talking about. You get it? Okay so enough about these talking stuff. Well, I've got GOOD news to share to you guys. Well It might not be a good news to you but it sure is a good news to me. HAHA!Okay. So I was thinking of a tv programme when i accidentally remember a malay tv programme call "Gemilang". All the girls wore a baju kebaya which is a malay tradisional clothes with skirts and it is simply B-E-Autiful. it's really nice. suits me though. SwEeT Colours. Really matching for a girl like me. Teehee. So my mum said that maybe this friday or today she go buy for me. Cool right? Teehee. It's a really nice clothes. not many people where that though. Yesterday, I want to geylang and it's.... Super boring. Duh! I don't like to go to crowded places. It's like so not me. NOT ME! Haha. So there we were finding carpets and we finally bought one for... for... I don't know. I don't take note of these things. We went around geylang and my bro bought a shoe which is meant for going out and school. Cool right? Then when we went home,got this "gay" say to my dad "abang,berat eh bang? Nak i tolong?I memang suka tolong orang. ye lah .. Kan hari raya kan. Tak nak sudah!" - TRANSLATION- "Is it heavy?You want me to help you?I really like to help people and since it was hari raya i can help you. if you don't want then don't want ah!" with this gayish voice.And he started posing for the teenage boys sitting. They were laughing like shit. So was me. It was so hilarious man! Lucky my father ignore him. this is like the first time I saw a "gay" ... LIVE. He was wearing this rocker clothes. So manly and then wtih his long hair like you know a rocker but it turned out.. that he was... HAHAHA ! So this week was the spring cleaning week as next week already hari raya. Cool right? It's like so fast. And I like it !Woohoo. Going to have FUN FUN FUN! I wrote this post really long. Too many things to tell you guys... I guess. Okay. See you soon. Buaiiz :D

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